
Nova is going to stay at Cat Cafe family for quite some time. He is a Sphynx cat. Sphynx are known for their extroverted behaviour. Nova is full of energy, intelligence, curiosity and affection, which makes them one of the more dog-like breeds of cats. Nova was born in October Read more…


The name “Salem” was chosen by our social media followers. He is a gentle and friendly kitty who gets along well with all other cats. He is also one of the most vocal in the Cat Café. He was born in September 2019.


Ollie was born in 2017, he may be one of our shyest cats, but it doesn’t stop him from being friendly and even playful with people.  However, he is always wary of our big boy Arnold, who likes to stalk and intimidate him sometimes. 


Simba is very easy going and doesn’t generally run away and hide from strangers, like most kitties, particularly if there’s a toy in play. He’s one of the only cats in our cat family that gets along with all the other resident kitties. He was born in 2016 and rehomed Read more…


Jack is a Cornish Rex. He will be staying at the Cat Café for a period of time, he is a chatty cat especially when food is involved, he is also very affectionate and friendly and will no doubt be popular. Jack was born in 2020.